By Sylvia Burtswattle

This morning, a young woman was seen by witnesses “frolicking” down from the third floor of the library. She had just turned in her paper due the Friday before. “I was on my way to get a bagel from Kline,” she says, when she was “performing self-reiki” by moving her arms back and forth. In her right hand she held her full 32-oz metal water bottle. Unfortunately, as she performed this act of self care, her water bottle fell from her hand and down the staircase. The librarian recalled the sound of this morning’s incident as she stacked books, “It sounded like a crash-boom.” She went to see what the sound had come from, and there was the pink metal water bottle, laying on its side in a pool of water. “Oh, and President Botstein was there too. I guess it hit him on the head.” She shrugged and went back to her books. The impact of the water bottle caused severe damage to the water bottle (as well as Botstein's head, apparently). EMS was called--they took care of the dented water bottle. The young woman watched it go, in tears. The library is closed for the day and classes will be cancelled next week in respect for the young woman’s loss. (On a side note, Bard’s administration will begin the search for a new college president.)