Uh oh, look who it is!! Mister Poopy Pants himself, “President” Bonald Drumpf has come to our illustrious campus to give the uber cool and important Presidential Medal of Bad Place to Live to Poopy Dorm Number One (you guessed it--Tewksbury Dormitory!) Wow, what an honor! Our school, our school’s dorm, has been chosen for this prestigious prize. Can you believe it? This is very exciting! Too bad the “President” giving it to us is a Class A Meany Pants McGee. Man, he is the worst. But do you know what else is the worst? Tewks!! It is so very gross in there! The walls are stinky, the halls are stinky, and so are the people. I wouldn’t let my grandmother stay there, even if I hated her. It makes sense that Boopald Drumpian would give this incredibly important and significant medal to that swampy dirty dorm. The entire campus should be celebrating! Celebrating the Dirty Stinky Place and the Mean Poopy Man!