By Brigid Pfeifer

It’s the crisis that swept the summer of 2018. It may have been a small percent, but Bard’s most recent tuition raise has resulted in big sacrifices. Many low-income students are now forced to work multiple jobs, seek out loans and money from relatives, or worse--leave Bard for good. In reaction, a student-created petition was put forth. Discussions concerning how students can survive, and what it will take for the Financial Aid Office to fix the problem, arose. Due to mounting pressure, the Office of Financial Aid has finally put forward a solution. In a recent email sent to all students, the Office announced their intention to waive the tuition increase for those in severe financial crisis. That is, in exchange for their soul. If students are in desperate need for the waive, they may at Bard for the next ten years, working on campus. “It will be as if work-study never expired and explains why many recent graduates for some reason haven’t gone home yet,” the email explained. The jobs will reportedly be of a wide variety. Mopping the floors of Kline, cleaning up goat poop to stuck in the EMS room during Spring Fling, and serving breakfast in bed to Leon Botstein--just three of the responsibilities that accompany Bard Indentured Servitude. After the initial five years, BIS’s (Bard Indentured Servant) will have the opportunity to give manicures and pedicures to Financial Aid and Student Account employees. Housing and meal plans are not included.