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Advice to First-Years from a Level Six Lizard Queen

Writer: The BardvarkThe Bardvark

By Megan Brien

College was scary –– until I found Satan!

Many of you currently in the midst of your first few weeks of college may be feeling overwhelmed. So many new people! New places! New food (Kline–amirite??)! And on top of all of this, you’re trying your best to keep up with your studies. How exhausting! It’s true, adjusting to college can be tough. When I came to Bard, it definitely took me some time to get used to it. But fear not! There are plenty of techniques (which I learned from my cult!) that can help smooth the transition.

First things first: try making some new friends! It can be easy to slip into isolation when you’re in an unfamiliar environment. I can remember wondering if I’d EVER find some cool peeps to hang with. That is, until I stumbled upon a gathering of the best people I’d ever met. We clicked immediately. As soon as I saw them all standing in a loose semicircle, chanting under their breath while spreading animal blood over their naked bodies, I knew I had found my people. When you know, you know.

Having a solid group of friends was a game changer for me. It wasn’t always easy–the first time I went Soul Gathering with them made me a little uncomfortable. But afterwards we all had an extremely productive talk about boundaries, and now they never initiate any Satanic rituals without checking in with everyone about it first.

That being said, sometimes taking risks can be a good thing. Don’t be afraid to go outside your comfort zone! It seemed weird at first, but I couldn’t imagine my life now without a weekly laser transfusion from Tin, Warlock of the Sacred Hill. This is just one example of how trying new things can enrich your life beyond expectations.

So get out there, friends! This is your chance to embrace life in a completely new way! Don’t let judgment from other people stop you from having a good time, and never EVER attempt transcendence without clearance from every single one of your Light Bearers!


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