by zoe kaperonis

What is that I smell outside my window?
This putrid smell that wafts
In and out through the mesh.
Rotten, it makes my toenails curl,
My nose twitches as the scent tingles
The hairs in my nasal cavity that are so sensitive.
My eyes well with tears,
Haunted by the odor that stings
And turns whites bloodshot.
I pull out my febreze but the smell
From outside still lingers
On my clothes, my bedspread,
Between the hair follicles in my nose,
And along the hair that lays on my upper lip.
It lingers in the food I eat and the pages
Of my latest FYSEM read.
The horrid stench clouds around me.
What is that I smell outside my window?
Has my dorm been skunked
Or is that just a neighbor smoking weed?