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A Definitive Ranking Of The Himbos

Writer's picture: The BardvarkThe Bardvark

By Zoe Kaperonis

10. Jason Mendoza (The Good Place)

I saw his name on a lot of lists and I get it but I feel as though he needs to be bigger and more jacked to be considered a true himbo.

Number of empty cans that can be crushed against their head: 2

9. Andy Dwyer (Parks and Rec)

ParksandRec is one of my favorite shows and I love Andy as a character. However, he is played by Chris Pratt. Need I say more?

Number of empty cans that can be crushed against their head: 10

8. Flynn Ryder (Tangled)

Ah, yes, everyone's first 3D animated childhood crush. What’s not to love about Flynn Rider? He suave, he has the smoulder, he’s voiced by Zachary Levi. The only reason he is number 8 is because I do think that he is a bit smarter than he appears to be. To be an infamous thief like him, you must be smart in some sort of capacity.

Number of empty cans that can be crushed against their head: 12

7. Fred Jones (Scooby-Doo)

He wears an ascot. He is also canonically related to Bobby Flay.

Number of empty cans that can be crushed against their head: 18

6. Jack Harkness (Doctor Who)

Just look at John Barrowman and tell me he’s not a himbo. You can’t. Jack Harkness is also bisexual and I personally do not think there is any heterosexual explanation to being a himbo.

Number of empty cans that can be crushed against their head: 24

5. Any Character Played by Jon Hamm

I’m talking 30 Rock; I’m talking anything other than Mad Men. Just look at the guy. When you think of himbo, the image that comes to mind is that of the hunky Jon Hamm. (Note: When mentioning 30 Rock it has come to my attention that James Marsden too could be lumped next to Jon Hamm in terms of peak himbo.)

Number of empty cans that can be crushed against their head: 30

4. Thor (Avengers)

God of Thunder, a magic hammer that barely anyone in the MCU can pronounce (it’s not mew mew), Australian living and breathing god himself Chris Hemsworth. I will say, Chris Evans’ Captain America was a consideration but in the end, he is too serious to be considered a true himbo (Chris Evans on the other hand…). But just watch Thor in Thor: Ragnarok to see this beautiful blond specimen displaying the most himbo of attributes.

Number of empty cans that can be crushed against their head: a godly number

3. Soos (Gravity Falls)

How could you forget about Soos? What a lad. What a man. I don’t have much to say about Soos other than yes.

Number of empty cans that can be crushed against their head: you have to tell them to stop

2. Po (Kung-Fu Panda)

Po is played by Jack Black, possibly the king of the real life himbos. He loves to eat and can do kung fu and is very lovable. Case closed.

Number of empty cans that can be crushed against their head: too many to count

1. Kronk (The Emperor's New Groove)

You probably all saw this coming because when you look up himbo in the dictionary, next to the definition is a picture of Kronk. He has the most classic of himbo lines whether it be talking about his spinach puffs or speaking squirrel. The man is the epitome of a himbo. To disagree with this would be an absolute disgrace and you would be lying to yourself. Basically what I am trying to say is that Kronk is better than all of you and you might as well just go home.


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