by clayton webb

ME at the park
*lookin around*
*I see a bird*
Wow cool bird
*bird flies away*
Everyone I love leaves me
Me and the pond
*I trip*
*the geese didn’t like that*
“Goose noises”
I hate not fitting in
Fee Fie Foe Fum
I smell your bum
Me at the store
*sees food*
*starts eating*
“Sir you have to pay for that”
Oh sorry i didn’t know you worked here
Why are all the good ones taken
Me asleep in bed
*Im asleep*
Wham! Pranked you, I was awake the whole time
You shouldn’t trust people so easily
Me eating a sandwich
*rustle of sandwich bag*
I love sandwiches
*eating the sandwich*
*I’m eating*
*sandwich is being eaten*
*I finish the sandwich*
That was so good.
*I go to bed*
*my sandwich bag blows away because I forgot to place a stone on top of it*
*I choke in my sleep because I forgot to swallow*
Things never work out for me