by Annie Dodson
BREAKING NEWS! BREAKING NEWS! There is a cool bug in my bedroom. But, he’s walking all over! He can't be stopped! I go to sleep and I wake up and he’s in another place! He clearly walked around while I slept!
Sometimes he even walks when I’m awake! He’s completely unafraid. He crawls with his funky little legs on my desk or my bookshelf or my window. He looks like a stink bug, but I know he’s a Western Conifer seed bug! (It’s a common misconception). It has an interesting shaped body (see image 1a)

Thats how you tell .
He just keeps walking around! He’s been in here for like a week, or two, probably.
And then sometimes he FLIES! And i yelp out of terror! (I am scared of bugs I will admit) (especially when they fly because it’s impossible to predict where they will go!) ( you have no idea where they will go! They could fly right on you!)
Anyway this bug guy just WALKS! Around MY room! Hey buddy get your OWN room! This one’s MINE! It’s TAKEN!
Update from a few days latwr: he is gone.
I regret everything negative I said. I miss him.
Hey, cool bug,. Its oksay. Please come back.
Update 2: I just found a teeny teeny tiny tiny little small bug on my sweater!
It was this big

Maybe it was Cool Bug;s son!
I flicked it to the floor.
(I am scared of bugs)
thanks annie! this article boosted my self-esteem and inspired me to walk around like i, too, own the place. (also we can do comments now which is cool and fun)